OBS. Ferie Lukket fra den 11-02-25 til og med 18-02-25

40% ekstra rabat på alle tæpper i kategori 120x160 / 120x170 / 120x180 cm brug koden "40PRO" Gælder kun i den kategori se udvalg her 

Alle ordre bliver ekspederet den 19 og 20-02-2025

Priser er inkl. moms

Florence Tæppeløber 70x240 cm

925,00 kr.
549,00 kr.

The beautiful carpet Florence is as the name implies, a work of art with floristic patterns. In the Florence rug, the dominant colors are blue and gray. We connect these colors with hope and love. If you want to decorate your living spaces with the hope of good fortune and with a pinch of love, then the Florence carpet is the right place for you. The modern art of floral patterns and beautiful colors make the rug very unique. The carpet can be used both as a living room carpet and as a bedroom carpet. The pile material here consists of 85% polypropylene and 15% polyester. The rug Florence is absolutely pollutant free.

Machine Made
Material Composition
70% polyester and 30% polypropylene
Backing Material Composition
100% jute
Primary Colour
Fringe / Tassel
Indoor Use Only
Floor Heating Safe
Stain Resistant
Country of Origin
Supplier Intended and Approved Use
Residential Use

Tilføj til kurv

15813 BOX1-L00352110

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